Everything you should know about invisalign

If you fall into the category of people who are severely suffering from crooked or misaligned teeth, in that case, you must be all familiar with the whole concept of braces and what they do. But if you think that metal braces are the only option then you are wrong as invisalign braces are the new knight in shining armour. Invisalign aligners are basically clear, transparent and also free of any visible bracket or wire. By installing good quality invisalign braces such as the Huntington Valley braces, you will be able to eat, talk and work in front of other people without having to worry about them noticing your braces. 

There are a wide range of benefits which you will be able to attain by simply choosing the invisalign braces over the conventional metal braces. If you are someone who is confused regarding whether to get invisalign braces or not, in that case, this article is going to be very helpful for you as here we are going to talk about some of the most common benefits of installing invisalign. These benefits are being discussed below,

They are completely invisible


As mentioned earlier invisalign braces are completely clear and transparent in nature. In addition to this, they are also free of any metal bracket or wire. As these braces are completely invisible, they will not be detracting from your face or your smile. 


How does Invisalign in Huntington Valley function?

The process begins with a straightforward consultation during which the dentist will look at your teeth and explain how Invisalign can correct alignment problems including as deep bites, under bites, gapped teeth, overcrowding, and more. The doctor will then perform a precise digital scan on you, which will serve as the foundation for your unique treatment strategy. You are ready to wear your personalized aligners after they are finished, which typically takes about 22 hours each day. You'll notice the difference week by week if you persevere! Every week, aligners are switched out and replaced with slightly modified versions in order to maintain pressure and painlessly advance your teeth towards their final position. If continuously practiced, you might have a completely new smile in as little as three months.

What distinguishes Invisalign from traditional braces?

1. Removable

The fact that Invisalign is removable is one of the most obvious arguments in favor of it. Because the trays are simple to remove before meals or before performing your daily dental hygiene routine, you can eat, drink, brush, and floss without experiencing any issues.

2. Translucent

Since Invisalign doesn't have any visible metal wires or brackets, it is the most aesthetically attractive method of straightening teeth. Since Invisalign clear aligners are made to look like you are wearing nothing, smiling makes you look considerably more appealing.

3. greater comfort

Compared to traditional wire braces, Invisalign is far more comfortable to wear because it is comprised of soft plastic. While traditional braces may cause damage to the inside of the mouth, Invisalign applies less force. The trays help you avoid a lot of pain and discomfort by gradually moving your teeth into position.

To know more Orthodontist Huntington Valley about please visit the website:www.orchardofsmilesorthodontics.com


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