Braces care routine - the way you care for your braces

If you have been preparing hard for the milestone of braces to achieve, it is finally time. Congratulations as your child is on his way to a healthier and gorgeous smile. However, things do not come directly to your plate and you need to work a little more to achieve your goals. As far as the instructions of your Huntington Valley orthodontist is concerned, you need to follow each and every instruction so that you know that you have taken care of your braces properly. There are some basic routine tips that you need to follow and you must not miss out on this. So what exactly should be your braces care routine? Does it differ from what it was before? Check out the following: 1. Brush Regularly While you were brushing your teeth two times before, this time you need to brush after every meal. The more you keep your teeth and mouth clean, the better it is for you. You also need to see if you are brushing your teeth for two minutes. Use a soft bristled toothbrush and the paste which contai...